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Service-learning Log


1. Consider the effectiveness of the project, considering each component and reflecting on your learning experience as well as the impact on the school or community.

In order to create awareness, learners were told that there would be a competition running from grade four (4) to grade seven (7). They were instructed to bring in as many recyclable items from their household. Such items included cardboard, paper, plastic, and glass to name a few. The class which brought in the most recyclable items won the competition. One the day of the competition, the learners were allowed to wear casual clothes according to a specific colour theme for each item that is being recycled. To explaining to the learners why recycling is important, posters were made and taken to every class by grade seven learners and an assembly was held to for the whole of the intermediate phase to tell them more about recycling. The learners were told that by recycling items they can also earn some money as that was the goal for the school. The school would use the money to purchase stationary items for the school and for those learners that cannot afford to buy them. As they co-operated to accomplish a common goal, which was to help the school and as well as their fellow learners, learners from all over came together to help with this initiative. In addition to other contributions, parents also helped with transportation of the recycled items to the recycling plant. The learners were given a newsletter to take home as part of an awareness-raising campaign.

2. How has service learning changed you personally?

The goal of this effort is to assist the school as well as to help not only keep our environment clean but also the school environment, and I think this has fostered empathy. This event broadens one's view on life and fosters empathy towards the environment we live in. Additionally, personal development is enhanced, and a sense of fulfilment and purpose in doing something as simple as recycling can help another person and knowing that the money earned will be put to good use.

3. How has service learning developed you professionally? What new knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes have you gained?

Decision-making, delegation, and initiative-taking are examples of leadership abilities.

Effective collaboration is a key component of teamwork abilities, as is choosing the best time and method for the project as well as the course of the day. As you hear about the struggle’s others are facing financially and how they cannot afford certain things shows how you may support them in a simple way.

4. Describe the benefit of this initiative to the school and comment on its sustainability.

The school has been experiencing a lot of litter issues, especially in the lower grades which is grades four and grade five. This initiative helps the learners understand that their behavior's is unacceptable especially when they know and learn about the recycling in their curriculum. Implementing a recycling initiative in a school brings significant benefits, such as reducing environmental impact, conserving resources, providing an educational platform, engaging the community, and even yielding cost savings. However, the sustainability of such an initiative relies on the ongoing commitment of school administration, teachers, and learners, as well as continuous education and awareness campaigns. Adequate infrastructure and community involvement are essential, while a commitment to constant improvement ensures long-term success. When integrated into the curriculum, a school recycling program can instil values and practices that extend well beyond the classroom, fostering a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility.

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Tasmiyyah Mansoor
Tasmiyyah Mansoor
Oct 31, 2023

Student teacher shows his willingness to learn and teach new aspects in the education field and not only teach content curriculum but to teach the learners basic knowledge as well. This social action projects shows great initiative of the student teacher and it also shows that there is much to learn in the education field for both the teacher and the learners.


Rayhaan c
Rayhaan c
Oct 31, 2023

The social action project for your service learning is effective. It targets problems in the school such as the school's littering problem and it also creates teamwork encouragment. The reward system implemented creates more determination for the learners to work towards the goal set out. Your project also appears to be engaging by allowing the learners to dress up causually and making them understand why they are recycling.


Shauneez Bheekoo
Shauneez Bheekoo
Oct 30, 2023

This is a wonderful social action project idea!

You found a creative solution to a problem that was big in the school. Litter is one of the biggest issues found in schools. It is a good idea to create an awareness from a young age so that learners can remember this and carry it with them into their adult years.


Sithesh Pillay
Sithesh Pillay
Oct 30, 2023

Your social action plan should be a model all schools follow, this is a well put initiative. It is very clear that you put time and effort into this social action plan. Integrating recycling and sustainability into the curriculum proactively nurtures environmental responsibility and care among the learners, the way you did this is very commendable!! well done !


Waseema Seedat
Waseema Seedat
Oct 29, 2023

Incorporating recycling and sustainability into the curriculum is a proactive step towards fostering a sense of responsibility and care for the environment among learners. The holistic approach of your initiative is an excellent model for other schools to follow.

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